主頁 > 教育培訓(xùn) > 外語培訓(xùn) > 高考英語詞匯分享 高考英語復(fù)習(xí)指南(11)

高考英語詞匯分享 高考英語復(fù)習(xí)指南(11)

  in this/that case 如果這樣/那樣的話 in no case 絕不

  as is often the case 事實(shí)往往如此eg: As is often the case, women live longer than man.

  There are some cases where this method won’t work.

  10.cash n.現(xiàn)金pay in cash /by checkvt.兌現(xiàn) ~ a check

  cash in on…從...獲得利潤 The shop are cashing in on temporary shortage by raising prices.

  11.cast v.扔,拋,撒

  cast your net wide cast about/ around for sthcast sb./ sth out

  cast sb./ sth asidebe cast awaybe cast downcast sth off

  12.catch—caught—caughtcatch up with 趕上

  catch sight of 看見 catch sb.doing 撞見/捉住某人做某事

  catch one’s eye= attract one’s attention 引起某人注意;引人注目

  13.cater v.提供(承辦)酒席,滿足需求

  cater for sth/sb : The class caters for all ability ranges.

  cater to sth/ sb: It catered for all tastes.

  14.cattle n.牛(總稱)單復(fù)同形The cattle are in the shed.牛在牛棚里。

  15.cause n.原因、起因cause and effect 因果

  the cause of fire/cancer 火災(zāi)/癌癥的起因

  v.引起;促使 The storm left, ____ a lot of damage to this area.

  16.cautious adj.謹(jǐn)慎的 小心的 be cautious of/ about...

  cautionn.謹(jǐn)慎 小心with caution 小心地

  vt.警告...小心...caution sb.to do caution sb.against...警告某人警惕

  We were cautioned not to drive too fast.

  17.celebrate v.慶祝 celebrate one’s birthday celebrate Christmas

  18.central adj.中心的,中央的 central bank/government

  1)主要的,首要的 play a central role in… 在…起著主導(dǎo)作用。

  centre n. in the centre of the room

  v.centre on /upon/ round /around…把…當(dāng)中心 使…成為中心

  19.ceremony n.典禮,儀式 1) attend a wedding ceremony

  2) stand on ceremony 拘于禮節(jié) without ceremony粗魯無禮,不拘禮節(jié)

  20.certain adj.確定的;無疑的 certainly adv.

  be certain of= be sure of 對…確信的be certain to do =be sure to do 一定會(huì)、必然

  make sure/certain of… 保證、弄清楚* It is certain that…

  21.challengeface/ take up a challenge 面對/接收挑戰(zhàn)

  challenging adj 具有挑戰(zhàn)性的a challenging job

  22.chance n.機(jī)會(huì);可能性 give sb.a chance 給…一次機(jī)會(huì);

  take a chance/chances 冒險(xiǎn);碰運(yùn)氣 by chance/accident 偶然;

  There is a/no chance that… 有可能/不可能…

  23.change v.改變、變化; n.變化;零錢(不可數(shù))

  change…into… 把……變成;change one’s mind 改變主意

  Great changes have taken place in China.

  There is no time to get changed before the party.Do you have any change on/with you ?

  24.characteristic adj.獨(dú)特的 n.特征 特點(diǎn)a key characteristic of…

  25.charge n./vtcharge…for… 收/要價(jià)多少;

  charge sb.with sth/doing 指控某人做了 get the phone charged 手機(jī)被充電;

  The soldiers were charging forward bravely.戰(zhàn)士們勇敢地向前沖。



